I can't believe it's been three years since you changed our world. The past three years have been filled with fun, lots of adventures, and immeasurable joy. We are so blessed to have you and can't even remember what life was like before you came. Your boundless energy and contagious giggle fill our hearts with love. I admittedly spoil you. And I won't apologize for it. You are my baby. You always have to sleep with mama at night, along with your security blanket which you have named "B Bear." I know that isn't popular, but I figure the day will come much too quickly when you will no longer want to sleep with me. So I am going to enjoy these days now-having your warm little body snuggled up to me in bed. Excuse me for a moment, while I make some "choc" (chocolate milk). Ok, I'm back:-)
You insist that you're still 2 and part of me would like that to be true. I love the hugs and kisses you give me. I love the way you call for me in the house when I leave your sight. Sometimes I can barely take a shower or put on my make-up without your help. But that's ok. You love me and want to be everywhere I am. One day that will all change. So I want to enjoy these moments while you are still my sweet baby.
You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Caillou, and watching tractor videos on YouTube. You can work the ipad like a pro:-) You love to sing "He Ain't Never Done Me Nothing But Good" in the car and you think your brothers hung the moon. You love to put on their shoes and clothes. You really want to be so big, but when I ask you say you're still a baby. And that makes my heart smile.
Happy Birthday Gavin! I love you more than words could ever say.
August 23, 2009
Gavin's 1st Birthday
Gavin's 2nd Birthday
My 3-year-old baby