Thursday, June 21, 2012

Patience is a Virtue

It's the first official "full" day of summer!  We've been out of school for a few weeks now so it seems kind of strange that summer is really just beginning.  We've been pretty busy.  Two weeks of church camp, baseball, and regular errands have kept us going.  I haven't been home this long with my boys since maternity leave with Gavin.  The boys were in school then so this is really the first time I've had all three of them home for an extended period of time, well....ever!  I must say, I love it.  I love the lazy mornings and all the extra time I have to clean my house, organize, and re-arrange.  I enjoy watching the boys swim and being able to be there for all their activities. 

Brantley (far left) & Buzz (far right) @ church camp
Enjoy:  to experience with joy; take pleasure in.  I must admit learning to enjoy life is something I struggle with on a daily basis.  I am an only child and grew up in a home that was pretty structured and quiet.  Fast-forward 16 years and I live in a house with 4 boys!  You can imagine how different my life is.  There have been many times I have missed the opportunity to enjoy a moment in my boys' life because they were being too "wild" or making a mess and my level of patience was less than optimal.  I regret those missed opportunities.  Thankfully, I believe I have made strides in my quest to enjoy life.  I truly believe Gavin has had so much to do with that.  He has forced me to slow down, to re-examine my life, and has given me one thing I am in abundant need of:  patience.  When you have children, enjoying life goes hand in hand with patience.  I remind myself that it doesn't really matter how big the mess or how noisy the boys, this is life!  These are the moments that they will remember forever and who am I to take away their fun and joy?  So, I strive everyday to slow down (even if its just a little) and enjoy my life even with all the smelly socks, crumbled up chips on my couch, and dirty little fingerprints on my doors.

Silly boy!

Gavin playing ball with his big brother "Bo"

Buzz & Gavin

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